engagement of Ina (mawi) & Suhaimi..

uiks.. what a story..? is it true....waa...the only good men on earth have been engaged to Ina (mawi).. melepas diri ini.. argh i shouldn't said Ina mawi instead of Ini (mi)...

Huh..what a world? loves come and go just like that. without a second Ina found someonelse but she just get involve with industrial world. is ina gonna workout with enterntainment world after married.
in my opinian you should not better u stay at home and be a good housewives. your world will only suffered u at the end of the day..
ina-ina..you were such an controversy gurl with mawi.
no one can ever imagine that you will be suhaimi one's. (so sad..to everyone)

huhu fed-up already.
so I wish both of you happy till death part both of you. AMIN

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