most people love his/ her picture to be taken...I love pictures too.. love to take pic of others...and see how people react and ready well prepared to ensure they pic would be beautiful and pretty (eventough there are not pretty)..
some would react like this when 1st time want to take pic:
some would react like this when 1st time want to take pic:

( dont snap on not ready..please)
its happen when ur are so nervous for 1st time picture..
Or..when some one is soo trying to be good in front of the camera and end-up being like national statue..(tugu negara)..

sometimes there's someone who never know that his picture is being taken..while sleep..of course cannot see because his eyes is shutting down..but poor him because he cannot gives his best shoot in front of the camera....

gambar aku jagan amik yer..jagn ..kang ada yang kena pelangkung....

enoughla..just want to share a few moments with ma friends..but the most important is the sweet smile that all of us captures in each picture that have been taken each always and have a nice days...
style lak org yg tnjk tangan tu hehehe
bugjet betuulah org tue..ehm tapi betull kot..(dgr bdk kelas hang ckp)haha
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