psm ku..amik sampel

my final year project!!

what is final year project? student keep busy doing it all days morning and night but does'nt know the purpose of the project or other called thesis..

in ump people started carried out this thesis when there in semester 6 or and as a civil engineering students i've more interest in making thesis majoring in environmental subject.

because of that too, i've taken EIA (environmental assesment Impact) as my elective during my final year. It is not that much my likes to the env. subject. It just the subject more easier and less calculation. I'm damm worse in maths and calculations..eventough i like structure and design subjects.

My topic is heavymetal along sungai kenau at sungai lembing ( such an idiot topic) well i'm actually forgot what my topic is. Majoring more to sedimentation and required me to collect all water and soil sample at the case area. My case area would be the sungai lembing. Sg lembing is my supervisor tempat asal usul lahir sana. Everyone knows my supervisor, his name is Prof Madya Dr Harun Shah bin Mat Zin. I'll memorized his name.

Last thursday, I accompanied by my supervisor and Mr Razi (my geotech lecturer) went to Sg. Lembing to take the samples. It was warmlt to arrive at sg lembing and saw how friendly my supervisor was. Well his quite different when in university. But there at his origin place, everyone seem to notice him and acknowledge his present. Seem our missconcept about our Prof begin to clear a little bit. What to do his my supervisor , I need to have a good relationship with him. Final year project is the marks and priority.

Then we went to see the ex-mining area, it is such a huge mining but already destroyed buy people who mogok last time. Actually if it still exist until now i'll believed that Sg. Lembing and Pahang will be so advance and develope in da future.

See the place now, lack of development and still peace in their origin natural pace.

After that I straightly went to take my soil samples.This is my first check point to be the source of heavy metal and benchmark to allocate where heavy metal occur in the extention to stream.

and the soil samples are. I'm taken only four sample in order to determine ferum, copper, cadmium, aluminum , arsenic, and ect. Don't remember what is it?

Below we can see there 's blue color on the rock. Well base on what Mr Razi said, it is ferum so i'll take it the picture. Well who knows abou rock when we see it? Wow cool to be an Geotechnical engineeri guess. Someone who loves about soil and rock. Geotech eng. rock beb.

my 2nd checkpoint, water samples. Yucks ugly dirty jijk and yellow water. It's still undisturbed samples and definetely there is existence of heavy metal there. Believe it or not.

then the samples are........

we can see where the heavy metal would flow, these are the path of stream.

before we went to the 3rd point, we have a little viewed where is the mining hole. The entrance to get the mines..see yeah

see 1, 2, 3 and 4 entrance to the hole...(donno wat to call it ..hole i guess)

the front door and stair donno where to?

the inside of the entrance..but ill already closed and no one can enter more further inside the tunnel. It's exciting if someone could explore inside it. Very challenges experiance right. Who knows there is death body inside and never been found? wakakah

That's it my activity of sampling and after that we went to visit the Sungai Lembing Museum..well not much picture can be taken because my cam its lack of memory. ( no memory in memery stick) so i just tour in it. It is such a beautiful museum. May be my friends can pay a visit there right.

the small model to show the exact figures of the larget mining factory in malaysia. It has 8 -10 level in the ground. Unbelievable men..huge damm placed.

I think this enough about my FYP. This is just some informations i want to share with my friends. Any question about it dont hesitate to ask me. Ok Just have to go because this evening Perkasa have a program name Civilian Fraternity. Such a cute name..I masuk sukaneka tendang bola kena kon. Well chow dulu...wanna have fun.

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