busy n embarrassing ...

tada..today i want to speak up about busy n embarrasing..

why is it i want to talk about? actually for people acknowledgement the previous march was my busiest month at my work place..i do a lot of things,,,of course the things is my work things..

we need to come out with final tender documents and most of the projects merely have the same duedate..elevated ulu tiram, upgrade kolam air and jalan segambut link 2 and link 2 ( all are roads and bridges projects) bla..bla..bla...

u know..i need to calculate and prepared the BQ, defined the items that I actually don't understand and confuse...ishh very confusing count the you need to revise the drawing digitally (mean softcopy Autocad...blur confuse lar) or the hardcopy one..(that printed)..run here and there to work station and my precious chair because i do not have autocad civil 3d at my PC..

& one more things..if im not in good mood or strangled with tempered, angered and stressed.. i will be the bloggish (blogger + english)...(means i'm moody now)

ok back to the topic...

then, i do prepared the conceptual design report CDR for kolam air n ulu tiram..well it means you need to conclude everything about your design including layout, plan profile, measurements and cost estimations..it's exhausted because i need to recheck the spelling and contents of the report..but its good experianced..because it force me to clearly understand well about the projects..hehe it takes a few days to complete it but actually i failed to finish it before due date..its late about 3 days..but it not because of me..its my boss lar who still want to make some amendments...so i'm not felt guilty..yehaa..

then..another BQ again..last time about hand dug caisson pile and this time about pile embankment, stone column and bridge..wahaha..pening woo..there are 3 option..1st is bridge with short RE wall, 2nd option bridge with much RE wall (1st n 2nd are south n north direction) then last option is totally different..the bridge is at another location (west n east direction)

so, i started to read..the drawing tekunly..without anyone can disturb me..hehe

study from one option to another..arghh just tension because I'm not brilliant lah doing works..

ok everyone please attend technical meeting ok...(thats is including me)....

gosh..its embarrassing because the chairman has asked me about what previous minutes of meeting for meeting at DBKL on 25th march..and I stop for about 2 minutes and then I answered..er er er..pile Sir..

the conversation:

sir: hah you si A what is no 3?
si A: er..er..er..tnb ..ktmb (blurr.blur..not sure..help me)
sir: hah then what it is si B..
si B (me): (kantoii..tanya aku plak..aku lagi mana tau apa-apa) blank..for 2 minutes push stop (konon-kononya berfikir)..then..its er..er..er.. caisson pile sir..
sir: arghh....!!!!!
sir: tak tau..lain kali jgn nak dtg meeting jer..but x jote down..bila tanya tak tau plak
si B (me): (dah jote down dah tapi x paham sepatah haram pun) ckp dalam hati..
sir: len kali jote down n balik terus wat minutes of meeting..ni tidak..
si B (me): dlm hati lagi sambil senyap tunduk muka blur..(dah wat pastu aku plak yang wat..tapi sepatah haram aku x ingat..sebabnya aku x paham..1st time jumpa project tu terus pi meeting lar..) tenangkan hati sendiri
sir: ok lah..that's it..nak remind everyone..next time jagn wat cam gini lagi ok..
si A & si B (me): (dlm hati, baik x wat lagi...) tapi arghhh malu-malu-malu badak nie..

pastu meeting pun habis...bersurai..

erk its embarassing, like im using 20 m compact powder on my face..after that continue with my BQ work and stayed still at my chair andn away from the office sharp today..5.45 pm..huhu MALU LAH...

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